Southport Fire Department • A Volunteer Department Since 1895
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Join the Fire Service

The Southport Fire Department offers you an exciting opportunity to join an organization with well over one hundred years of history, tradition, duty, honor, and service to the residents of Southport and Fairfield. There's no obligation to become an active firefighter, simply serve in whatever capacity you can.

Social Members
Social Members support the Fire Department in many ways. From organizing and coordinating events to providing professional skills and trades, we are always looking for new members to help diversify our department.

Active Members
Active Members serve as Firefighters, work scheduled overnight shifts and remain on call when off duty. Active members receive all necessary training and certifications to serve as firefighters.

Online Application For Both Positions Available Below
If interested in mailing application, download and complete the application below.

Download Application

Mail your completed application to:

Southport Fire Department
P.O. Box 454
Southport, CT 06890-0296

Firemen are going to get killed. When they join the department they face that fact. When a man becomes a fireman his greatest act of bravery has been accomplished. What he does after that is all in the line of work. They were not thinking of getting killed when they went where death lurked. They went there to put the fire out, and got killed. Firefighters do not regard themselves as heroes because they do what the business requires.
Chief Edward F. Croker, FDNY
Speaking upon the death of a deputy chief and four firefighters
February 1908

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